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Feature film|Belgium / Luxembourg
Language: English
Director: Miklos Keleti
Producer: WFE
Co-Producer: Deal Prod
Starring: To be confirmed
A neuroscientist invents an experimental drug which brings him closer to his handicapped child but further from reality.
Born in Budapest in 1984, Miklós Keleti is a young european filmmaker. He graduated at INSAS (Belgium) and he is the author of several award winning shorts. His graduation film Back Against the Wall won 9 awards and was nominated for best short film at the Belgian Academy Awards. It was selected in more than 50 international festivals including Odense, Brest, Rhode Island. In 2013, he made his last short Patterns which won 7 awards and was screened at several film festivals including Sitges, Seattle, Shanghai IFF, Bristol or Brest.
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